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2004-04-24 - 11:55 a.m.

ahhhh another interesting night in the small kingdom. for those of you coming to me from Jim's site I think this will be a repeat.

back to the story;

Jim and I were on our way back from the Billfish when this tongan man stopped us to ask us where we were from, this is normal here so we proceeded to tell him we were working for the peacec orps and from the us. He proceeded to tell us we should hook up with tongan women because they are interested in money and when we told him we had none because we were peace corps he was shocked. =)

well, then he comes out and asks us if we have ever had a bowjob, well I have been propisitioned by enough gay men to know what was coming so I turned and started to leave as Jim was still talking to him and I get to hear; " so have you ever had a blowjob from a man?"

yup, even in tonga, so we both were laughing and leaving only to be asked for 2 dollars anyway for cab fair.

ahh faca tonga



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